Grades in this course are broken into three broad categories: Individual Performance, Team Performance, and Peer Evaluation. Individual Performance includes the midterm exam, the final exam, and "daily" work" — individual RATs, lab assignments, CodeLabs, and homework/programming assignments. Team Performance includes the team RATs and Application Activity Points (each day we spend on application activities will include at least opportunity for teams to earn a point--perhaps by getting an answer correct, or by giving a particularly good example. While I will determine these opportunities in advance, I will not share them with the class until the points have been earned.). Peer Evaluation is the score you're given by your teammates at the end of the semester by your teammates. If you receive a combined score of 10, you will get a 95% for this grade; lower scores will earn lower scores. Points over 10 will be added as extra credit points to your final course grade.
Anyone who earns less than 50% of the available points (weighted according to the class policy) for Individual Performance will get an F in the class regardless of their overall score. In particular, it is very important that you maximize your points on programming projects!
Students who are absent for the RATs automatically get their team's score for the tRAT. If th absence is excused (either approved by the instructor in advance, or a documented emergency), the iRAT score will the weighted average of the other iRAT scores (i.e. the absence will neither harm nor help). Only one iRAT can be treated this way. Subsequent absences as well as any unexcused absences, will result in an iRAT score of 0.
For the grade weight calculation, the "Category Weight" is the number written down on the Grade Weight Worksheet. The "Absolute Weight" is the amount this item contributes to your final grade; these total to 100. For example, if the "Category Weight" for "Individual" is 60% and the "Category Weight" for the Final Exam is 50%, the "Absolute Weight" for the final exam is 50% * 60% = 30%.
Below are the grading policies determined by the students of each section during the first day of class..
Item | Category Weight | Absolute Weight |
Peer Evaluations | 20 | 20 |
Individual Performance | 40 | |
Daily Work (iRATs/Homework/Etc) | 25 | 10 |
Midterm | 25 | 10 |
Final | 50 | 20 |
Team Performance | 40 | |
tRATs | 65 | 26 |
Application Activities | 35 | 14 |
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.