CISC 3115

Accessing the College's Linux Lab

It's always good to have access to a Linux system; fortunately the College has a Linux lab with a few dozen machines running Linux. To access these, you first need to go to the W.E.B. and ask for your Linux account information (everyone registered for this class has one). From there, you may either go directly to the Linux lab room (130), or you may connect to those machines via the Internet (you'll get a sheet with this information).

You will need ssh (secure shell) to connect to the ITS computers. ssh comes with Linux, Unix or the Mac operating system, but if you use Windows, you will need to install MS windows OS you will need to install some software.

For Windows

There are several possibilites;

Try one, or all. (putty and BitVise have GUI interfaces)

Using ssh

On Mac and Linux machines, or using the Windows command prompt, connec to a Linux machine with a command like

ssh <username>@<address>

where <username> is the username you are given at the W.E.B., and <address> is one of the IP addresses listed below

Accessible lab machines

While there are quite a few machines in the lab, only a small handful can be accessed directly from off campus. Their IP adddresses are:

Working over an ssh connection

This is very important: over ssh, you will not be able to access the full graphical user interface you could use if you were "in person." You are limited to using the terminal. This is a situation that may arise often in your career; this is a large part of why I'm encouraging you to use and learn vim in this class: it's designed to use without a GUI and without a mouse, so it works perfectly in this kind of situation.