Dear students, I'm looking forward to our first meeting next week! To prepare for class, please review the syllabus/calendar/etc I've posted at PLEASE CHECK OUR ASSIGNED CLASSROOM BEFORE YOU COME TO CLASS. This is in flux. Please take note of a few specific things: 1. I'll be teaching the class using "Team-Based Learning." Some of you have been in other classes organized this way. If you're new to Team-Based Learning, please read the main page of the site carefully. 2. Please check the calendar ( for the reading I expect you to have done before you come to the first day of class. I find it useful to break the class into two "sessions" per week, even though we are only meeting once a week. (This helps deal with the loooooong class meeting.) So, on the first day of class, we will be doing "Class 1" AND "Class 2." (The calendar is obviously going to be updated regularly! I will email you to let you know of major changes, but you should check every couple days.) 3. Be sure you have the book! You should be able to find very cheap electronic editions of the book, and inexpensive hardcopies. But please be sure to get the SECOND edition. 4. Please fill out the short survey you'll find linked in the calendar under "Class 1." This mostly is about making sure we can communicate during the semester. 5. Finally, if you're able, please bring a laptop to class. Under "Class 2" you'll find a link to a discussion of how we'll be approaching software development in this class, including the software I recommend you install. If you can't bring a laptop, don't worry about it! Until we meet, Scott Dexter